获哥本哈根国际电影节最佳导演奖 故事围绕一个什么都在干的家伙,徘徊于洛杉矶努力去靠工作生活。不过这不妨碍他最大的兴趣——女人、酗酒、赌博和写作。影片《Factotum》由美国影星马特·狄龙、莉莉·泰勒、玛丽萨·托梅加盟,表现了一个在事业、生活、爱情等方面受挫的作家的命运。影片女主角的扮演者莉莉·泰勒被评委授予本届电影节的最佳女主角奖。Self-declared aspiring writer Hank Chinaski has neither qualifications, ambition nor ethics. Any dead-end job he lands is soon lost through laziness or mischief. His relationship with fellow deadbeat Jan gets strained to crisis through her insecurity, so he even gives up betting on horses which brought in easy money.