本片是影片《星期五(Friday)》的续集。格瑞戈仍然和他的朋友们一起,住在洛杉矶。现在,他正在寻找新工作。四年前曾与格瑞戈结下仇的迪波正在寻找他,肆机报仇。 为了儿子的安全,格瑞戈的父亲把他送到了叔叔家,这样。格瑞戈就和脾气有些古怪的叔叔艾罗依和表兄雷雷同处一个屋檐下。不过,格瑞戈很快就发现,麻烦总会自己找上门来,不管你住在什么地方……Debo has escaped from prison and is looking to get revenge on Craig. So Craig's dad takes him to Rancho Cucamonga to hide out with his Uncle Elroy and cousin Day-Day, who moved to the suburbs after winning the lottery. But once he gets there, Craig and Day-Day have a set of suburban misadventures that make his South Central experiences look tame.