旷课检查员主演:克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash,阳光明媚的一天,空气清新的郊外池塘,路易、休易、杜易三个顽皮的小家伙没有去学校,而是在水中自幼快乐地玩耍。然而这一切根本逃不过旷课检查员唐老鸭的眼睛,他躲在一边,冷冷地注视着这几个小捣蛋鬼,接着以迅雷不及掩耳的速度将他们一一捉拿归案。乡间小路上,唐老鸭驾驶着汽车,车厢后面关着三个小家伙。他一边开车一边说教,根本没注意小捣蛋鬼们正在密谋越狱。等唐老鸭回过头时,只见路易他们正跑向秘密集会地点。小家伙们利用各种道具阻挡了唐老鸭的脚步,这可气坏了暴脾气的旷课检查员。 他一定要将这三个臭小子捉拿归案…… Donald catches his nephews swimming on a school day. He thinks he's made an easy catch, but the boys are much more resourceful than that. When he tries to smoke them out of their clubhouse, they put three roast turkeys in their bed and dress one boy as an angel.