
主演:Mark Waschke/Stipe Erceg/Bernadette Heerwagen

导演:Claudia Lehmann 



物理属于相爱的人主演:Mark Waschke/Stipe Erceg/Bernadette Heerwagen, 该电影改编自德国当代著名女作家尤丽·策(Juli Zeh)的同名小说。   塞巴斯蒂安·维蒂希是耶拿大学物理系的一位教授,多年来一直致力于探索“多重平行世界”的存在。他不断尝试要所有对此持质疑态度的人相信他的理论,然而却遭到自己大学同学奥斯卡的嘲笑。奥斯卡与塞巴斯蒂安在大学里是非常要好、如影随形的挚友,曾坚信两人能一起在未来物理界开创一番新天地,后来却因为微妙的冲突造成了两人的心结。为了能够更加专注地进行对“平行世界”的研究,塞巴斯蒂安把儿子尼克送到童子军营度假。然而完全没有料到的是,在加油站时尼克竟然被人掳走,电话里一个陌生的声音预告着一场噩梦的开始……
Sebastian is a physics professor at the University of Jena and dealing for years with parallel universes. Meticulously, he tries to prove its existence scientifically. His college friend Oskar, professor of theoretical physics at CERN in Geneva, smiles at Sebastian's firm belief in parallel universes and the many-worlds theory. In order to devote himself to the evidence in peace, Sebastian brings his son Nick to a summer camp, while his wife Maike is on vacation in the mountains. At a rest stop Nick disappears out of the car and so for Sebastian a nightmare begins.


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