巨爪The Giant Claw(1957)

又名:脑瘫巨人 / 巨鰲惊情

主演:Jeff Morrow/Mara Corday/Morris Ankrum

导演:Fred F. Sears 



巨爪主演:Jeff Morrow/Mara Corday/Morris Ankrum, 米基(杰士玛菲饰)与莎利(玛孔丹饰)本是一对恩爱情侣 一日在郊外野餐 被卡尔·诺依曼博士劫持到密西西比河流域中的秘密基地 在这里 他们发现一种巨大而迟钝的神奇生物……   《脑瘫巨人》是战后北美b级制作电影中最重要的作品之一 它标志着美式奇情恐怖片风格的确立 在整个科幻电影史上具有里程碑的意义 后继者包括《Racket Girls 》和《Ring of Terror》 其中最为影迷津津乐道的是cult名作《粉红火烈鸟2》中对本片的致敬 值得一提的是 日本黑帮片巨鳄待田京介80年代以“脑摊巨人”注册的独立电影制作公司 就是以本片命名   导演Fred F. Sears早年曾在一代巨匠佛兰克·卡普拉的剧组供事 1957年病逝于荷里活 年仅43岁 本片也成为他的遗作
When electronics engineer Mitch MacAfee spots a UFO as "big as a battleship," from his plane, the Air Force scrambles planes to investigate. However, nothing shows up on radar, and one of the jets is lost during the action. MacAfee is regarded as a dangerous crackpot until other incidents and disappearances convince the authorities that the threat is real. Some believe it is a French-Canadian folk legend come to life, but it turns out to be an extraterrestrial giant bird composed of anti-matter whose disregard for human life and architecture threatens the world.

