
又名:小姐撞到鬼 / The Spooky Bunch


导演:许鞍华 编剧:陈韵文



撞到正主演:萧芳芳/钟镇涛/刘天兰/刘克宣/关聪, 粵劇的「舊」,為「新浪潮」提供了上佳的戲劇背景。許鞍華的第二部作品以戲班後台作為舞台,泡製出一個寓風格於現實的故事。長洲可說是一個大型的後台,其古樸的離島風貌,配合了粵劇肖象性的化妝、絢麗的服飾及富於感觀性的舞台表演,營造出一股詭秘妖異的氣氛。兩代恩怨竟牽涉商業騙局及軍政大事,陰與陽、人與鬼、新與舊、老與少、真與假,錯綜複雜。蕭芳芳的演出收放自如,演活了「十三點」的鬼馬二幫花旦。導演許鞍華充滿獵奇意味的筆觸,更為粵劇描繪出一種特殊的魅力。
A Cantonese opera company arrives in Cheung Chau to perform for a rich man, who wants to marry of his nephew Dick to the star of the company Ah Gee. As soon as they arrive, the company is thwarted by a female spirit, Catshit, who turns out to be the precursor of a whole army of spirits sent to pester the uncle and one of the older actors. Only Ah Gee and Dick find out that the danger has something to do with a crime committed by Ah Gee's ancestors. This involved selling bad medicines to soldiers as a result of which a whole platoon of ghosts is out for vengeance


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