女女演主演:福原遥 Haruka Fukuhara/玉城蒂娜 Tina Tamashiro/矢仓枫子 Fuuko Yakura/小野花梨 Karin Ono/齐藤美咲 Misaki Saito/秋山竜次 Ryûji Akiyama/桥爪功 Isao Hashizume,「島でぜんぶおーきな祭 第9回沖縄国際映画祭」(2017年4月20~23日)の「TV DIRECTOR'S MOVIE」部門上映作品。 Three days before the last high school festival, just when the show was about to end, popular girl Sasaki Hikari decides to quit the theater club. With only four people remaining, they come to realize that they are nothing without her. Real intentions are revealed, with all four wanting to take the lead.