拯救芙洛拉主演:Jenna Ortega/Miguel Martínez/David Arquette,芙萝拉是一头再也无法表演的大象,因此马戏团决定将其安乐死。就在执行安乐死的前一晚,马戏团团长的女儿偷偷将芙萝拉带离了马戏团。然而,想抵达安全的地方,他们必须先翻山越岭、跋山涉水,同时还得躲避大象猎人的追杀。最重要的是,他们必须相信彼此并克服对死亡的恐惧。 Flora is a circus elephant who can no longer perform her tricks. The night before she's scheduled to be euthanized, the circus owner's 14-year old daughter, Dawn, sneaks Flora from the circus. All that stands between them and the safety of the elephant preserve is two hundred kilometers of woods, one raging river, two elephant hunters and the fear of not making it.