异形杀机主演:唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland/艾瑞克·泰尔 Eric Thal/朱丽叶·沃纳 Julie Warner,来自外太空的奇特生物悄然入侵一个小镇,寄生在人类脊椎上,侵入大脑,使人丧失自主意志,成为它们的傀儡,帮助它们迅速扩散繁衍。探员Andrew、Sam与外星生物学家Mary联手消灭这些入侵者。 Strange aliens land in the Midwest, taking over people's minds in order to spread their dominion. Sam Nivens and Andrew Nivens, aided by Mary Sefton, are part of a government agency who must stop the the aliens before the aliens get to them...