与鲸同游的女子The Woman Who Swims with Killer Whales(2011)

主演:虎鲸/Ingrid Visser/John Hannah

导演:Mark Woodward 


与鲸同游的女子主演:虎鲸/Ingrid Visser/John Hannah, 没有多少人会跃入水中与重达6吨的食肉动物同游,也没有多少人能分享科学家英格丽德.维瑟对研究野生逆戟鲸活动的热情。她用独自游海的方式发现了新西兰是独特鲨鱼带和射线捕猎虎鲸的家园。而最近出现了令人担忧的趋势——濒临灭绝的种群规模并未上升,然而在2010年出现了不寻常的死亡数量。本片记录了英格丽德独自探究其中原因的使命,以及她的发现所揭示的,有关海洋健康的令人不安的新消息。
The killer whale is one of the most feared predators in the ocean and most would consider it madness to enter the water with one. But New Zealander Dr Ingrid Visser thinks differently - and by swimming with her beloved whales she has come to know almost all of them by sight. But there's been an unusual number of deaths recently and Ingrid is on a mission to find out what is going on. Her findings reveal disturbing new information about the health of our oceans.


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