
又名:The Meatloaf Addict

主演:塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel/西蒙·舒瓦茨 Simon Schwarz/丽萨·波特霍夫 Lisa Potthoff

导演:埃德·赫尔佐格 编剧:Stefan Betz/埃德·赫尔佐格 Ed Herzog



肝酪上瘾者主演:塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel/西蒙·舒瓦茨 Simon Schwarz/丽萨·波特霍夫 Lisa Potthoff, 視肉如命的警探法蘭茲對剩餘大小事都漠不關心…。懶散的個性使他妻離子散、膽固醇超標,直到平靜的小鎮上一起火災謀殺案,才開始讓他的錯位人生走回正軌。正當他想發憤圖強時,妻子卻將自己不滿一歲的兒子丟給他照顧。一邊要辦案;一邊還要當奶爸,蠟燭兩頭燒的他,該如何帶娃破懸案,擺脫這魯蛇的人生呢?
\"Feelings always suck.\" The Lower Bavarian village police officer Franz Eberhofer internalized this deeply felt wisdom long ago. That is why he suffers only moderately when his girlfriend Susi is just distancing himself. Even in the event of a fire on the neighboring Mooshammerhof, Eberhofer does not break out into unrest. Even the fact that an attractive woman from Munich was killed in the fire does not irritate Franz in the long term. But what really throws him off balance is that the doctor attests that he is leading a life that is hazardous to health and puts him on a strict diet: No more red meat, lots of vegetables and no more meat loaf. So tough conditions for the following murder investigation, which involves a new hotel or jealousy. Suspicious figures include Ms. Grimm, the victim's mother, a gay couple and the local soccer god Buengo. Unfortunately, Susi obliged Eberhofer to look after their toddler Pauli for a while, which hinders police work a little. To make matters worse, the self-appointed private detective Rudi Birkenberger rushes to the rescue to advise on nutrition, education and investigation without being asked. Can Franz get through this whole dilemma without strengthening liver meat rolls?

