帕加三姐妹扎雅、茜诺和阿雅组成的艾尔塔是世界上最著名的少女组合,她们凭借青春靓丽的外形和甜美迷人的歌声虏获亿万人的心。然而巨大的成功总伴随着不可摆脱的阴影,各种谣言四处蔓延,使三姐妹的生活受到巨大困扰。在沉寂一年后,艾尔塔带着一张极其灰暗晦涩的专辑复出,而她们颓废禁忌的表演亦惹起巨大争议。随后又是长达一年的沉寂,接着三姐妹举行了告别演唱会,当人们翘首企盼时,没想到这场演唱会竟成了人类最后的恶梦…… It is the modern times. In an unknown city humans are dead, petrified on the spot. A young man and woman enter the Faculty of Law to find and destroy the monsters that are creating such a havoc. The girl informs the guy that the monsters are not others that the three sisters of the former pop-group Elektra, and tells him their story of of how they've become gorgons. They know the Greek myth and what to do when facing them, but will that be enough to destroy the horrific and destructive triplets?