Sing-聲-星!這個東瀛業餘歌唱比賽深入民心,52年歷史,每星期都瘋魔了萬千日本歌迷,包括一班卡啦騷:過氣騎呢歌手Reiko、失業大漢Araki、剛遭兒子拋棄的祖父Kotaro、試過300次都不入圍的走音歌王、即場求婚的痴男怨女... 這個騎呢音樂騷,寓人生於娛樂,唱出真我個性,看出人間百態。不論你是否K歌之王,總會在芸芸卡啦騷中找到自己的影子。竹中直人又食老本,再一次以驚世駭俗的姿態搶咪出位。 \"Some people laugh, and some people cry, until their grand occasion to make their first appearance on stage.\" Out of 4,000 applicants, only 250 will make it to the preliminary round, out of which just 20 will be chosen for the Sunday final. The famous TV singing contenst, \"Nodo-Jiman\", is coming to town! Enka singer Reiko Akagi enters the contest despite objections from her manager. Aspiring mobile yakitori shopowner Keisuke finds that his license examination clashes with the preliminary round. Schoolgirl Rika Takahashi is caught between her worried mother and her rebellious sister. \"Nodo-Jiman\" brings these colorful people together in a heartwarming way.