失控犯罪:危险梦境Farliga drömmar(2013)

又名:危险梦境 / Crimes of Passion: Dangerous Dreams

主演:图娃·诺沃妮 Tuva Novotny/Linus Wahlgren/Ola Rapace/Björn Andersson/Claes Ljungmark/Elisabet Sverlander/Siw Erixon/Hanna Alström/Peter Carlberg/Maria Langhammer/Joel Spira/Simon J. Berger/Vera Vitali

导演:Molly Hartleb 编剧:Maria Lang/Jonna Bolin-Cullberg



失控犯罪:危险梦境主演:图娃·诺沃妮 Tuva Novotny/Linus Wahlgren/Ola Rapace/Björn Andersson/Claes Ljungmark/Elisabet Sverlander/Siw Erixon/Hanna Alström/Peter Carlberg/Maria Langhammer/Joel Spira/Simon J. Berger/Vera Vitali, 帕克找到一份工作,为脾气古怪的奥斯卡文学奖得主安德鲁森·霍尔曼做速记员。霍尔曼和蔼可亲、平易近人,但同时又神经质、专横霸道。他强迫妻子和三个已成人的孩子以及儿媳一起住在一个与世隔绝的地方。就在儿媳过生日的当晚,他最疼爱的大儿子突然暴毙,家里的气氛顿时凝重起来,仿佛每个人都感受到了生命的威胁。没有人知道大儿子是因为平日体弱多病而亡还是另有原因。但不久之后,霍尔曼自己也没能保住性命。没有人再怀疑这一定是谋杀。在最后一分钟克里斯揭开了谜底,并救了帕克一命。
Puck has managed to get a job working for the eccentric Nobel Literature Prize laureate Andreas Hallman. Hallman is charming and genial, but also a neurotic tyrant. He forces his wife, his three grown children and a daughter-in-law to live in seclusion together, separated from the rest of the world. One night, after the daughter-in-law's birthday dinner, Hallman's eldest and favourite son dies. The question is whether the son, who was frail and sickly, died of natural causes or not.

