连续不断的恶性案件笼罩着西北工业重镇阳关市,刑警队长陈汉中和他的同事们日复一日循环往复地行走在茫茫戈壁滩上、破败荒村中、遗弃的工业废墟之间,不断有所获,有所惑。久而久之,他们渐渐意识到,侦破案件的同时亦是侦破各自生活中的谜团。突然间,工作与生活,记忆与现实在某一刻开始交织。 A series of severe crimes happen in Yangguan, an industrial town in northwest China. Chen Hanzhong, the detective on the case, commutes to the gobi, fallen villages, and desolate industrial landscapes with colleagues day after day. They get some clues, but more questions. As time passes, they realize that to solve the case is also to solve the mysteries in their lives. Suddenly, work and life, and memory and reality all begin to interweave.