Plot Summary:Delivery firm truck driver Eddie Popko, a dreamy wannabee-cowboy, always flirts with convenience store clerk Rhonda Thompson, but his enthusiasm seems curbed when he meets her meanly hostile twin daughters Julie and Sarah, aged five. When the bratty pair hear mother wine all she wants for Christmas is a holiday without the handfuls, they decide to oblige by sneaking off to great grandma Mimi. Unable to find her or the right bus, they end up sneaking into Eddie's truck. He takes to babysitting during his round remarkably well, but when he delivers them home, he's knocked unconscious by senior robbers couple, dumb Harvey and mean Shirley, who stole the content of his firm's trucks, in this case Christmas parcels. Discovering the lottery tickets he bought and gave the brats to keep give access to a 1.3 million TV lottery finale, he decides to lead the search with Rhonda, police detective Gremp being incompetent, and even raises a 'borrowed' ransom.
轻喜剧 好可爱的双胞胎
how sweeeeeet:)
太可爱了么么"mommy said we are handful"哈哈哈哈都要融化了好嘛*^__^*