Plot Summary:Buenos Aires Province, a summer in the 30's. Mateo, an ex convict anarchist, travels around the Pampa in his old truck, carrying stolen hens and the illusion of finding his lost rooster, The King, which, he hopes, will lead him to glory at the cockfights. Fate faces him with Aurelia and Carmelo, two siblings in search of their father. Wandering, uncertain about his final destination, Mateo decides to give them a ride southbound.
MadRabbit • 别忘记我
Mateo曾因是无政府主义者入狱,在布宜诺斯艾利斯的夏天,南美大草原的途中带着偷来的母鸡驾着他的旧卡车去寻找曾经在斗鸡上为他带来很多荣耀的大公鸡“The King”以及他曾经的两个朋友.途中他碰到两姐...