cast们好不容易啊,看到那段current casts们的audition片段,有种this is the very beginning of a great journey, expect it's not, because it has begun since 1975!! It's so funny so amazing so phenomenal that once experienced, u know it will be a part of u for the rest of ur life!!
it ain't that easy to make a great show,that's why we should appreciate not only the cast but also the producer,writer,the whole crew.and that's also why i like to learn the background.Last,all the honor to Lorne Michaels!SNL can't be so great without you!
"I think somewhere along the way SNL went beyond being funny or unfunny, and now it’s just a restaurant with a good location." - Gilbert Gottfried
好多黑历史= =+凭着真爱再次裸看完毕
SNL的创始人+监制Lorne Michaels,同时也是NBC Late Night Show、30ROCK等剧监制,绝对称得上娱乐行业的教父级人物...
cast们好不容易啊,看到那段current casts们的audition片段,有种this is the very beginning of a great journey, expect it's not, because it has begun since 1975!! It's so funny so amazing so phenomenal that once experienced, u know it will be a part of u for the rest of ur life!!
感谢ydy SNL小分队
居然把一整集裸听下来....... SNL真的太棒了,好感动。
it ain't that easy to make a great show,that's why we should appreciate not only the cast but also the producer,writer,the whole crew.and that's also why i like to learn the background.Last,all the honor to Lorne Michaels!SNL can't be so great without you!
it's a platform,it's a battle,it's a home,it's a dream,it's saturday night live
向Lorne Michaels致敬了!印象最深的必须是Sinead O‘Connor撕教皇照片的那段儿了!
忘加了 =w=