Plot Summary:In Pikeville, the on again off again engagement between Ruth Hawkins and Walter Yates is off again after Ruth calls it off because of him laughing at her singing voice, which she believes is beautiful. She sees a photo of Baron Bonamo, international ladies man, in a magazine, he who travels the world on his brand of horseback making a name for men everywhere. To make Walter jealous, she writes herself a letter signed by Bonamo, stating that he is in love with her because of her singing voice. Meanwhile, Pearl Pepper, a plain Jane of a woman who is also from Pikeville, runs across Baron Bonamo in her travels and falls under his spell, although he has no interest in her. Pearl's roughneck father, Colonel Pepper who is traveling with her, believes there is impropriety between Bonamo and his daughter for which he will not stand - they get married or else. When they collectively arrive in Pikeville, complications ensue with now two women who are so-called in Bonamo's life, one he doesn't want, and another who he's never even met.
尽管两条结婚线故事编得没有合理的交集(导演是想交融在一起?),尽管最后的结尾实在过于随意马虎(看得让人都感觉有被删,其实并没有),整个闹剧的笑果和想象力确实挺不错。火车进洞和满脸唇印之间的暗示让人呵呵,还有烟头上的大特写,倾斜的画面(两人在草地上奔跑)都是值得表扬之处。Ruth Taylor有几个镜头实在是美。