Plot Summary:For over a century, Carnegie Hall rented affordable studio apartments atop the famous music hall to artistic tenants such as Marlon Brando, Paddy Chayefsky and Isadora Duncan. As a privileged tenant, director Josef Birdman Astor began to videotape his neighbors whose lives intersected with decades of artistic history, but his project changed when the landlord served everyone with eviction notices for a conversion to offices. Astor chronicles the protracted battle to save the apartments and pays homage to their rich heritage.
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好一段关于纽约艺术启蒙Carnegie Hall的历史、文化、情谊·温存、抗争与感染。。。这样的Documentary总能让人有共鸣,我们都有着割舍不下的情愫,有那样一个梦的家园,自然需捍卫到底!关于#Marlon Brando#的那个小段子很有趣。^ 我想J.DEPP亦会很喜欢这个地方 — #Carnegie Hall#