Plot Summary:After her senses are surgically restored, a formerly deaf mute teenager enlists in the army and is assigned to communications work. But her inexperience with even such simple tasks as answering a telephone lead her supervisor to conclude she is incompetent, and try to have her reassigned. However, a courageous action by another soldier leads him to reevaluate his judgment.
千寻亿选 • 青春(1977)
从电影的几首插曲来简单说一下。 第一首插曲是向着北京飞翔,作词李运良,王炼,作曲葛炎,演唱上海人民广播电台少年课余合唱团,伴奏上海电影乐团,指挥姚笛。这首插曲在电影一开始,描写亚妹等一批山里的红卫兵....