Plot Summary:Time; a few years after the surrender of Japan in the Second World War. The country is in ruins, economy devastated, and the vulnerable masses deprived of work; let alone the basic amenities of life. A new order, led by voratius opportunists is in the make where the weak are easy prey to the hydraheaded mountebanks. Betrayed and exploited by their employer, a group of five trainee insurance brokers face the challenge of commuting suicide, or taking the path of felony. They choose the latter and decide to rub a money truck to ease the suffering and pain of their family members.
Maverick • 《狼》电影剧本
《狼》电影剧本 文/新藤兼人 译/李正伦 内容说明 这个剧本描述日本某人寿保险公司招考一批失业的人来做保险经纪人。他们不顾人们的嘲笑辱骂,求亲告邻、挨门串户去为老板兜揽主顾,好让自己每天能得到一顿粗茶...