Plot Summary:When newly elected MP Richard Dove runs over a young girl on a deserted forest road he fatally decides to bury her in the woods and save his blossoming career. But when he returns to his car he finds the girl's mother desperately searching for her daughter. She recognises him and asks for his help unaware of the dark secret he is keeping.. Richard must now lead the mother on a search through the forest for the girl he has just buried, but with every attempt to convince the mother to leave the woods the closer they get to the grave.
行走的看客 • 无耻政客,虚伪至极
看完了大表哥丹·史蒂文斯 主演的这部短片:《浅坟》,还可以,蛮有讽刺意味的一部短片,虚伪的政客,满口仁义道德,衣冠楚楚,却干着丧尽天良,鸡鸣狗盗之事!一边大喊着为选民服务,不忘初心,拉拢人心,包装自....