Plot Summary:Unemployed for three years, Gerard has landed a job in Indonesia. To start off on the right foot with his \"team leader\", Gerard invites him to dinner. Considering his wife's lack of culinary talent, that may not be the brightest idea he ever had. Their neighbor, Alexandre, a PR whiz, is willing to help, as long as Gerard and Colette are prepared to accept changes in their habits and surroundings. After many dramas, mishaps, misunderstandings and general bungling, with frazzled nerves, Gerard and Colette open the door to welcome... their dinner guest.
意闲 • 风波起鱼缸
有一次住旅店,统共看不足五分钟电视,其中走过一个广告,定睛发怔,白衫白裤,黝黑颀长,幽深目光,欲笑不笑,不正是久违的特里.列赫米特(Thierry Lhermitte)?喜爱法国喜剧的观者,大概不会错...