Plot Summary:Redefining the way LGBT people are shown on screen, Credence tells the story of a family torn apart during the last evacuation on earth after violent storms have made survival impossible. The story follows 2 fathers' decision to make the ultimate sacrifice to give up all their possessions to ensure the survival of their daughter, and the entire human race. With over 100,000 views and 600 + contributions, Credence's crowdfunding campaign raised over £22,000 using Indiegogo to bring this story to the big screen at London's Leicester Square in partnership with Wired Magazine. A FEW KEY STATS Over 120,000 views on the trailer to launch the Indiegogo campaign in 2014. £23,000 raised throughout Indiegogo to make the project, contributed by just over 600 contributors. 1050 people like the facebook page - and growing Over 1000 people have joined Shape History, the social impact parent company that created Credence. Coverage in key mainstream media including two pieces in Wired, and then other pieces including The Independent on Sunday, Vice, Upworthy, Huffington Post, Advocate, Gay Times, Pink News, Attitude, Towleroad, and JoeMyGod. The Credence project follows several other projects for online LGBT / progressive audiences, including the UK marriage equality campaign (3 million views,) Adoption Rights in Europe (1 million views) and Russia Olympics campaign #LoveAlwaysWins - which saw 2 million views and 15 million hashtag impressions, encouraging the International Olympic Committee to change their charter for future bid countries.
穆根 • 生如夏花
女孩身着白色羊毛衫,面容饱满如同一颗红润的苹果。这是在末日,父亲们费劲周折万般保全下来的孩子。 把孩子搂在怀里,讲述体贴的话语,温馨的时光还历历在目。 末日的幻境已成现实。 我希望的是,是你在成长的过...