Plot Summary:A brilliant general medicine doctor dreams only of becoming a famous dancer. He returns to Japan to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry only to find out the agency he signed up with was a sham. He stays in Japan and works part-time in a run-down GM center solving baffling medical mysteries. All the while he plans for his dancing comeback.
King • 跳舞的医生
· 这算是比较搞笑的医疗剧了,后藤英雄则是另类的朝田龙太郎。如果说医疗剧好看之处其惊心动魄的手术是重要细节之一的话,那此剧基本没有表现这一内容。恐怕这也是要添加跳舞这一元素的原因。 故事中的医....