Plot Summary:A year has passed. Rachel is now acting inspector, joining Janet and keen DC Anna Ran to investigate the motiveless murder of Michael Egerton,. His girl-friend Wendy tells them that the killer filmed the crime and later it is posted on a grisly web-site called Taking Out the Trash, which also shows ten unsolved murders. An eye witness places young Steve Dench at the scene but he is released through lack of evidence and then Carrie Medford reports husband Kenny missing. Meanwhile both Janet and Rachel suffer setbacks in their personal lives.
拖了这么久,把终季看完了还是好难过。仿佛不看完Janet和Rachel就一直在平行时空破案,还有超甜蜜的厕所闲聊。没有了Gill的一季着实好不习惯,好想看看她的退休生活。或许真的就像Rachel说的,前辈不会永远都在,听到这句话真的好难过。Rachel在指导Anna的时候确实也有一些导师的样子了。这一季太致郁了,全程胆战心惊地看完,唯一的治愈点就是最后Janet和Rachel的拥抱,以及终身保姆的约定。匆匆结局,却又像是要奔赴下一个案件。Janet和Rachel一直陪伴着对方,虽然中途失去了一点点联系,但只要碰面,都能读懂彼此的内心。太喜欢这样的感情了,这部剧最戳我的点是,真真切切地把女性情谊体现出来了。Miss u, forever Rachel Bailey.
Lacrymalmole • 总有一天你终会变得成熟
没想到这部剧这么快就完结了还有点不舍 。Rachel比起以往的几季成熟了不少私生活也没有那么混乱了她开始独当一面让我看到她真正成熟了。 Rachel害怕baby即使是怀孕四个月了她还是像往常一样工...