Plot Summary:Robbie Lewis attends a book launch for a fantasy novel penned by prodigious young research fellow Dorian Crane, with whose adoptive mother, Ginny, Robbie's boss Jean is trying to match-make him. Later that night a Czech hotel worker Marina is found murdered. Professor Deering, the uncle of Dorian's fiancée and muse, Alice, confesses to having seen Marina on a foreign website and paid for her to come to Oxford, finding her work. However, as a supposed gay man, he is keen to hush up his sex life with her. Robbie believes that Marina was killed in mistake for Alice and then Dorian is also murdered, in order to preserve a secret well beyond Robbie's imagination.
CaptainBenwick • S3E1奇幻文学集
S3E1这集的受害人凶手绕来绕去的,推测的动机也一变再变,3个英国中年男Dr又让人脸盲……各种奇幻文学梗目不暇接来,剧集名即来自C.S.Lewis。 Professor Norman E.Deerin...