Plot Summary:"My Brother" is an inner city story of two impoverished boys, Isaiah and James. James is developmentally disabled. Their mother, L'Tisha, finds herself in a tragic situation. Dying of tuberculosis, she desperately tries to get her two boys, eight and eleven at the time, adopted together. Finding that only Isaiah can be adopted. L'Tisha makes the only choice she feels she can make; creating an unbreakable bond of love between the boys, and hoping that bond will get them through life. Her prayers are answered as the boys overcome impossible odds on their way to adulthood, staying as close as ever as young men dealing with life's obstacles.
电影本身不功不过:黑人贫民困苦的生活,不久于人世的母亲尽其所能教育儿子尽快成长以独立面对生活,兄弟情谊,黑帮情节,一夜暴富美国梦,一样有一点。纯为了Vanessa Williams看这部电影,有两幕很让我感动。她应该多演些这种有质感的角色,在DH里面装装bitch打打酱油那种的还是算了吧。太浪费才华了