Plot Summary:This is a dramatisation of the true story of Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong, a solicitor and magistrate's clerk who lived in the small Welsh town of Hay-on-Wye. In 1921 he was arrested and charged with poisoning his domineering wife, Catherine, and later attempting to poison a business rival, Oswald Martin, by administering arsenic to them. At his trial, Armstrong claimed that he had bought the arsenic simply to kill the dandelions on his lawn. However he was convicted of murder and executed in 1922.
2.5星,真实故事改编成了夸张话剧,从对话到动作表情各种夸大,投毒一方特光明磊落完全不藏着掖着,受害一方各种担惊受怕就是不报井2333可以当儿童片看了DT呆瘸小公子易惊吓易推倒,工作狂+生活傻子+仪表堂堂绅士造型的搭配莫名喜感,难得剧里从恋爱到结婚生活写全了,拿的居然是女强男弱的本子hhhh更难得啃生肉无压力全剧都没什么口音(斜眼看Naked&Divorcing Jack字幕都放弃抵抗了好吗)和赤裸里的莱斯利•夏普连着两年演男女友诶不过仪表堂堂是真发际线凄惨也是真(*/㉨\*)