Plot Summary:This film covers a year in the life of a Saami family in Northern Norway. In particular we follow two teenage girls, Elle & Inga, who are cousins. They are involved in the Saami traditional lifestyle of reindeer herding. But they are also teenagers in modern Europe. The films link with the traditional side of Saami life is Elle's mother, May-Torill. As well as being a teacher she lives the Saami life to the full and is a passionate believer in immersing the next generation in the traditional lifestyle.
挪威现代化放牧。更棒的family ritual&令人羡慕的costume。
传统与现代结合 一边迁徙一边露营一边唱歌一边冰钓一边讲故事
不得不说挪威是真的发达,08那会就就已经用电脑收集在家养的驯鹿数据了,而且还是现代化放牧,雪地摩托等,现在表妹 Inga也长大了,从他的FB扒了点图给大家