伊万与狗Ivan and the Dogs(2017)

又名:Lek and the Dogs


主演:Xavier Tchili Clay Barnard Cat 

导演:安德鲁·克廷 Andrew Kotting 编剧:Hattie Naylor


Plot Summary:Award winning artist and filmmaker Andrew Kotting adapts Hattie Naylor's curriculum, award-winning play, Ivan and the Dogs, for cinema. Based on the extraordinary true story of Ivan Mishukov, who walked out of his Moscow apartment at the age of four and spent two years living on the city streets where he was adopted by a pack of wild dogs. In the recession-ravaged city, the human world is dominated by deprivation and violence. When social breakdown from extremes of impoverishment, cruelty and selfishness starts to set in, a homeless child's only hope is to turn to feral dogs for company, protection and warmth. This spellbinding story of survival and need conjures the streets of Moscow in the 1990s through the eyes of a child. With innocence and fear, Ivan's perceptions of the world are beautifully described, from the acute awareness of hunger and fear, to the innocent understanding of chemical abuse in the 'empty eyes' of children and the ridiculed 'Bombzi'.


Yinanaa • I miss my dogs :孤独到哭的片子

CPH:DOX2018观影第二日。 非常意识流的纪录片,分成几个琐碎的篇章,完全不是我们熟悉的叙事。

Joseph Joestar
Joseph Joestar • 《伊万和狗》人类与狗的情谊如此纯粹且真实

(“我的亲生父母是混蛋,是野狗收留抚养了我”)俄罗斯男孩Ivan Mishukov出生于1992年,