Judy O'Brien is an aspiring ballerina in a dance troupe. Also in the company is Bubbles, a brash mantrap who leaves the struggling moxia.cc troupe for a career in burlesque. When the company disbands, Bubbles gives Judy a thankless job as her stooge. The two eventually clash when both fall for the same man. 一点点女性的眼光。要凝聚成一种意识的力量。$Tiger Lily is truly amazing!! Astounding work from an equally astounding female director Dorothy Arzner.$太搞笑了!!!$3.5星,一部没有反派的电影,两个女主角是两种完全不同的女性代表,看似对立其实不然,她们都是自强自立的独立女性,在男权社会中努力的生存,从这个点来说露西尔.鲍尔的角色甚至比奥哈拉的角色来的更加的女权。奥哈拉的角色略微有点说教,导演也利用这一角色在舞台上狠狠的教训了一番那些蠢男人,这一番“宣言”够犀利够直白。导演多萝西.阿兹娜平素装扮都很男性化,在片场她更是看上去相当的“男人”。有一个点有点意思,给...$开头好标志性的musical呀。有女性的勾心斗角但更多的是姐姐妹妹间的相依相持,还有女导演的女性视角很柔美细腻。And yes indeed everything in New York is shiny 然后在court的那段在现在的太多剧和电影中都有影子