This poor, deformed boy was a hungry thief, made the sex-xlave of a haughty dominatrix Matsu, herself a former servant who had been raped by the master's son. Now old and rich, she seeks a replacement for her abandoned (and assumed dead) hunchback infant son. While denying incest, she humiliates and rapes him, getting extra pleasure by painfuly manipulating his hump. This "tomb...$天井栈敷的第一部。虽然B站上的是重置版本的,美轮明宏当年的妖艳没有留下来真的是太可惜了。手又痒想翻译了,不过得先写论文……$故事讲的又狠又悲伤$~In Stock~$舞台剧$看了「風蝕異人街」舞台版的《青森縣駝背男》,最大的感想是:實在是太—色—了!都看到女生底褲了,回來看了YouTube才知道,原來的尺度更大,完全裸露乳房……果然是寺山修司的作品!片段: