Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she’d had a child, was even due to get married, and wham… she met Paul… And this Paul was writer to boot, who lived alone with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardl...$说教欲太强,轻巧但并不可爱,邓泽里比这个导演强多了,甚至不如各方面都有很多相似处的布吕尼。$总体是静谧安逸,太舒服暖意的结尾。爱情的选择、人生无关年龄的成长,保罗用自传体来描述着与艾达的相遇和爱情,家庭、父亲死亡等意外情况,保罗一直失联打不通的手机,艾达致敬德莱叶《葛楚》片段。摄影优美,静谧安详,波澜不惊的内心世界。死亡也是大的幽默轻松:一家围绕着父亲开着羊绒袜的玩笑。$一开口就知道是我喜欢的$我只能說我接受不了,我說的是內容。$两个人分别给过同一部片的意见,年纪小的时候我喜欢前者,年纪长一点我喜欢后者,也越发变得像后者就是我喜欢这部片的原因。