遭遇中年危机的奥利弗决定和他自己结婚。故事讲述了一段属于他与自己的罗曼史,以及他又是如何从中发现了人生的真谛与爱。 英国网络电影节的短片展:http://movie.letv.com/zt/filmisgreat/conten_shorts2.shtml 。。貌似发人深省但就是很无聊的一个喜剧。。。$Guardian 2005年有一篇文章,是現實中與自己結婚的Kevin Nadal. 他講的一段話我很喜歡:"Single people are marginalised in our culture. People think you don't have the commitment to be in a relationship or you're too picky. ..there's ...$荒诞的故事 好像是有原著的$我是man like 这种神经质风格的~~$What an off-the-wall story! The Short Won Best Comedy at the LA Short Film Fest 2010. Sarah read to Oliver is the poem named Self-Love by John Donne, who is an English poet. "Is there then no kind of ...