The TARDIS arrives on Earth in the middle of a meteorite shower and the Doctor is found by UNIT troops and taken to a nearby hospital. The Brigadier is faced with having to cope not only with the mysterious meteorites but also with Ransome, an ex-employee of a local plastics factory, who claims he has seen a walking mannequin. The meteorites turn out to be hollow globes contain...$哈哈哈我好喜欢第三任!第四任也很喜欢!$三爷爷太可爱了!一拿到靴子就紧紧抱住,趁人走开了就从里面摸出钥匙衔在嘴里(等等)以及为什么轮椅开溜这么熟练hhhhhhh哼小曲洗澡偷衣服也是好可爱(不建议模仿x)准将超帅!!($难怪11刚重生完在医院偷衣服那么熟练 原来早在40年前就有过前科了$三爷的首集反派居然是Autons,我一直都觉得他们比打雷还可怕。$4.5 有标志性意义的一集,DW从此进入彩色片时代,也进入了三爷的时代。迫于BBC罢工,本集全是外出实景拍摄,制作反好于平常集。Robert Holmes确实是DW编剧中数一数二的,Auton初登场写得很精彩,新版第一集有不少向本集致敬的内容 PS:三爷那眉毛的玩笑话,11和12压力甚大