Ninety nine percent of the worlds has been destroyed by a bio-chemical war. Technology is obsolete and the soil has been polluted leaving people with barely any food. The survivors try to continue on by hunting and consuming the living dead which has dire results as the dead flesh begins to mutate with the bio-chemical still in the atmosphere. People's digestive systems begin t...$好吧,我还以为会有什么好玩的东西,片中所有的一切都是粗糙的,演员傻,画质差,镜头晃,血浆假,没办法这只是个业余DV片,我也一直对DV片没啥兴趣,快进看完即删。$挂机下载了一星期,终于搞到手了~~入戏后感觉又被预告片骗了!血浆度比《血胎》降了不止一成,运用摇晃的镜头带过技术场面不足。但是SS的触手运用和最后BOSS的牛逼已经证明了此片的价值!$血腥度可以的,毕竟是布莱恩柏林导演的,不错的丧尸片$乱七八糟的 叫声很恐怖$晃来晃去看完头都晕