The Midsomer Worthy Writers Circle invites well-known author Max Jennings to one of their monthly meetings. The group's secretary, Gerald Hadleigh is opposed to to the invitation, but is outvoted. It becomes apparent that Jennings and Hadleigh knew one another at one time. When Hadleigh is found dead the next day, Barnaby and Troy begin looking into the backgrounds of the vario...$啊啊啊好看!真心喜欢早期的编剧!案件虽然复杂但层层解析的过程又清楚又引人入胜!$精彩!各个线索环环相扣,诡异的配乐及氛围贯穿全集。结尾还致敬了惊魂记和闪灵!!!$S01E02,依然重口多元素融合想起献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花哥特悚然老处女真是可怕戏剧文学电影相互交织coup de théâtre反转太精彩,教师那条线并非多余,除却增加戏剧性还与案件遥相呼应,$悬疑犯罪,推理。$推理.