Baby Annie is HIV positive and has been left in the hospital by her drug addicted mother. To prevent that she's deported to a home where they'd just wait for her to die, nurse Susan takes charge of Annie at her home. Two years later she plans to adopt her -- but suddenly Annie's mother reappears and demands her back. And under the law, Susan, as foster-mother, has no claim to t...$哈哈哈哈哈哈集合了中山医的所有豆瓣er真是太棒了,一部电影看穿所有人身份。我也来一句:医学英语课上看的,字幕很微妙,同求英文感想!$评论里都是中山医的医学英语课$医学英语课 电视剧的感觉略重 这样煽情的剧情竟然是真实故事改编$好看的$字幕有点怪怪的,看到众多中山医同仁求影评。