Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkibn, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and its dream is to become a real man. Electronic escapes from the professor's lab and accidentally meets Sergey, his prototype. Meanwhile, a gang lead by Stump is trying to kidnap Electronic to...$3小时16分钟电影$这名起的…我一直还当electronic是人名在查…//electronik确实是机器人小孩的名字,这译名也太不用心了/因为那首winged see-saw去看的全剧,主角都是小男孩,有些行为还挺让大人浮想联翩的,不过题材应该蛮对小孩口味/片尾有一段el和电子狗站在钟楼上旋转的情景,开始我以为是模仿莫斯科制片厂片头,后来一看这个片子是敖德萨制片厂的,所以不知道这段用意何在,以及我也很想知道这个旧钟...