In a sharpshooting match, the manager of a Cincinnati hotel bets on the fellow who's been supplying the hotel with quail...who turns out to be young Annie Oakley. Result: Annie is hired for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (which is faithfully re-enacted in the film). She's tutored in showmanship by champ Toby Walker. But when Annie wins top billing, professional rivalry conflicts...$Missy第一部西部就足够帅气。结尾男人一个转身,已成传奇的女人还是带着孩子气、兴奋的笑容拥上前。Good night, Missy$著名女性"神枪手"传记片,乔治·史蒂文斯(巨人传【1956】)导演,为导演与主演的首部西部片。Oakley(1860-1926)生于中部俄亥俄,幼年贫苦,八岁学会打猎,以出售猎物维系全家生计。后来加入“Buffalo Bill's Wild West”在美国及欧洲各地演出。片中表现的印第安人仍是一贯“原始天真”。联想到《枪疯$新学了一句美帝俚语“dog my cats”,中文翻译“喵了个咪”。