John and Mary sims are city-dwellers hit hard by the financial fist of The Depression. Driven by bravery (and sheer desperation) they flee to the country and, with the help of other workers, set up a farming community - a socialist mini-society based upon the teachings of Edward Gallafent. The newborn community suffers many hardships - drought, vicious raccoons and the long arm...$振亚哥哥让看的电影基本都不大懂不大喜欢……太老太学术啊$要疯啦$John Qualen还是那个摸样```哈哼哼哈嘿$大萧条时期美国人民公社的故事。取材于当时的报纸热点新闻。由于缺少好莱坞的资金支持,导演金维多只能自筹拍摄,并得到卓别林的帮助。据说影片明显受到了苏联穷人电影(杜甫仁科的土地)的影响,所以更像欧影而非美影。……题材上或许如此,但表演风格还是有着较明显的旧好莱坞烙印,过于舞台戏剧感。$看上去和集体农庄甚至红旗渠没什么区别,但这种真正自发组织、共同信仰的共同体恰恰正是前者的反面