从飞鸟到老鹰:加州民谣摇滚的历史Hotel California: LA from The Byrds to The Eagles



导演:Chris Wilson 

主演:David Crosby David Geffen 


  From the 1960's till the end of the 1970's, Los Angeles found itself going from a non-entity in the musical world to the hub of the American music scene. This documentary charts that transformation, starting with the development of modern folk/rock music to the stadium excesses of the seventies including contributions from the likes of David Crosby, Graham Nash, David Geffen an...$看到很多熟悉的面孔了,加州那波音乐人呀,还有我的最爱老鹰乐队$亮点是David Geffen,总是有他,无论哪支乐队哪个人,神一样的存在;@2009.2.19 这是一部非常非常有价值的纪录片,加到五星$想更了解老鹰乐队就看这个记录片!$B站链接 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HV411S78F$没字幕,没看懂多少。


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