Becoming Human is a British supernatural drama webisode series and a spin-off from the TV series Being Human. Created by Toby Whithouse, it was written by Brian Dooley, Jamie Mathieson and John Jackson) and stars Craig Roberts as the teenage vampire Adam (previously seen on Being Human), Leila Mimmack as the werewolf Christa and Josh Brown as the ghost Matt. 好像看到故事继续下去,可是完结了。$这。。。从being到becoming,怎么这么别扭。。。$…吐槽点很多啊【Twipsy 2011-05-22 .这个是那种在线小短片,一集的内容大概只有7分钟。网上的S1E01其实把一整季的内容揉在一起了【实际就只有一集啊 囧!!!!!我还傻等了这么久$弃!!$原来已经完结了。。。