With food prices on the rise and consumers feeling the pinch, can shoppers still afford to care about where the food they put on the table every day comes from? Rare breed pig farmer Jimmy Doherty has a dream to make free range food affordable for everyone. So he's challenged Britain's biggest supermarket, Tesco, to let him prove he can do it, and they've agreed. Animal welfare...$不错$一开始我觉得他在开玩笑,什么都不懂就敢去跟Tesco谈生意。。一次又一次的努力,最后他真的成功了orz虽然只是把小牛肉丸和鸡肉摆上了货架,但他的确为英国做了点事情。$好歹多提供一点儿选择吧$没有另外一个系列的好看是真的,不过还可以啦