The history of the film is based on the renewal of an old friendship happening in unforeseen and strange circumstances. Seyed (Behrooz Vousoughi) is a drug addict working small jobs in a theatre to pay for his heavy addiction. One day he is visited by an old friend, Ghodrat (Faramarz Gharibian), for whom he was a role model and protector when they were teenagers. Ghodrat has ju...$2021.5.13重看彩色修复版。$伊朗革命前夜社会现实横截面。可能在当时的社会环境下能引起观众共鸣,现在看真的不好看,拍得十分平庸,几位主角花大量时间说废话,配上melodrama音乐发呆,哭泣,卖惨,还有把已经拍出来的事情再转述一遍,两遍。。。总之鼓动革命反抗精神在这里具体化为要man up,要有男子气概,拳头要硬,受欺负就要打回去,不能再跟着drug dealer毒害小青年就等同于得一刀(又一刀再一刀)捅死他。。。这样的影片是...$是现实主义的呈现。对于初始的目的并没有去详究,而是在意当下的精神状态。瘾君子的设定似乎是对整个社会的一种映射,对于某种东西的依赖使人们致病。$#IFFR50# 【Cinema Regained】126mins$72/100 #WOWFF# too melodramatic for me