Doris Day was nearing her popular zenith, and Jack Lemmon just hitting his stride, when they teamed up for It Happened to Jane, a small-town comedy in the Capra vein. Doris is a widowed mom whose Maine lobster business is snarled by railroad tycoon Ernie Kovacs (hiding behind a skullcap and a huge cigar), the "meanest man in America." Her lawsuit against him, aided by lawyer-su...$好莱坞对个人机构在资本主义下和解统一的美好愿景,浪漫又辛辣。车轨控制室的红色荧光灯 指示图和Lemmon煤堆里求婚的段落都让人印象深刻。$[彩色]甜蜜字幕组;射手SRT外挂中字@ KEVIN$2.5,2019.09.04$小镇故事不是邪恶到极点就是童话到极点,没有中间状态……$喜欢上了安娜角的小镇生活,片中女主的女儿那坚定地小眼神和结实的小身板,一声铿锵有力的“Mum”,实在是太可爱了。