Vienna 1905: After a carnival party the famous painter Heidenick draws his otherwise engaged girlfriend Anita Helfer with very few clothes on, only blurs her face. The image makes it into the newspaper the next day - but since he can't tell the model's name without offending her influential fiancée, he comes up with the fictional name Leopoldine Dur. Unfortunately there is a se...$看的第一部Wiener Film,剧情真好,不奇怪那么快就被相中改编了。可能是我看过的30年代上流社会背景古装片里槽点最少的一部了。$德国百佳之一,爱情喜剧,调度运镜情节结构都很完美,后半段主角认真搞起感情来,觉得故事平淡和失色了很多$我想看这部电影 2016-08-02$早期氛围,喜庆热闹,但也有凶杀$2017.03.08