Graham Holt is a lonely middle-aged man who runs a postal substation in a small village in England. He decides to adopt a son. James is the troubled youth he gets with the assistance of social worker Debbie. James has been in an orphanage for years since his mother committed suicide. He adores his outlaw father John, sent to prison not long after the mother's death. Can James l...$裡面的Alan Cumming太嫩!$英国人真爱拍楚楚可怜的小男孩啊。威廉赫特的角色要给现在的一些英国男演员演大概会是很拘谨讨厌的样子吧,但这是不是说明他演的不够像英国人呢。$三星半,挺不错的冷门家庭片,舒缓的节奏,细腻的情感,仅有的几处煽情也是点到为止。小男孩的演技是一大亮点,时而如同小恶魔,时而让人怜悯,回忆与现在的穿插带我们慢慢走近他的内心。$英国乡村有点美 maybe underneath our seemingly cultural differences we are all pretty much the same$一个男孩他的没有母亲, 父亲在坐牢,被一个孤独的男人收养, 男孩的父亲的绝症出狱后给男孩和养父带来很微妙的关系。影片非常感人。